First Visit Consultation By Age 7
"When you had braces, orthodontists waited until things got as severe as they could, and then they tried to solve them. By seeing the kids at age 7, while the kids may not need any treatment, the orthodontist has the opportunity to intercept any developing problems and resolve them before they get so severe they require extractions or even surgery. By seeing the orthodontist early, you have the chance to keep many more treatment options open during the usual adolescent treatment times."
The main point to stress is that there are situations that, if left untreated, may require longer treatment, more invasive treatment (extractions, gingival grafting, etc), and especially surgery. If you have a good orthodontist you can refer to, that will only treat early in cases where there is tangible benefit, then you can honestly tell the patient to just go get the free evaluation so that they can avoid unnecessary complications. The main issues are crossbites and Class IIIs. Those are problems that should be addressed early if at all possible.
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